MHRA admit Yellow Card Report adverse reactions are 'serious'

JUST before Christmas, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) changed their manner of reporting of Yellow Card adverse events.In the first ‘Coronavirus vaccine – summary of Yellow Card reporting’ update of this year, published on January 13, the ‘suspected’ side effects of the ‘vaccines’ are presented in ‘interactive Drug Analysis Profiles’ (iDAPs), which they describe as ‘a new enhanced format of data visualisations’. They claim this provides ‘improvements in format, accessibility and data protection whilst allowing access to more data than has been published previously.’
Article Contents
1. The MHRA has drawn a line under the initial ‘vaccine’ campaign
2. The MHRA finally admits that the majority of adverse effects are serious
3. Data disguised under the pretext of confidentiality
4. The new format obscures child data
5. Downplaying real-world relevance of ‘people’ negatively impacted
6. The MHRA still proclaims the effectiveness of the ‘vaccines’ despite the evidence
Please read the full article at The Conservative Women HERE
MHRA Yellow Card reporting summary up to December 28, 2022
(Data published January 13, 2023) New interactive format
Adult & Child – Primary, Third Dose & Boosters (mono/bivalent)
Government data up to September 11, 2022 – UK-wide (latest)
· 1st doses received = 53.8million people
· 2nd doses – 50.7m people
· 3rd doses/one or more booster – 40,576,925 people
All boosters = 66.86million doses
· Pfizer – 33.1m (monovalent) & 11.1m (bivalent)
· AstraZeneca – 60,800
· Moderna – 13.3m (monovalent) & 9.3m (bivalent)
Yellow Card Adverse Event Reports – 175,724 (Pfizer-mono) + 3,538 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 247,157 (AZ) + 42,706 (Moderna-mono) + 4,860 (Moderna-bivalent) + 52 (Novavax) + 2,230 (Unknown brand) = 476,267 people impacted (increase of 2,249 in 5 weeks)
Reports classified as serious by MHRA = 74.3 per cent
124,114 (Pfizer-mono) + 2,667 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 191,252 (AZ) + 30,825 (Moderna-mono) + 3,472 (Moderna-bivalent) + 34 (Novavax) + 1,592 (Unknown) = 353,956
Reports classified as non-serious by MHRA = 25.2 per cent
50,757 (Pfizer-mono) + 852 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 54,557 (AZ) + 11,796 (Moderna-mono) + 1,356 (Moderna-bivalent) + 18 (Novavax) + 571 (Unknown) = 119,907
Overall 1 in 113 people injected experiences a Yellow Card Adverse Event, 1 in 152 classified as SERIOUS* which may be less than 10 per cent of actual figures according to MHRA.
Total doses administered (approx) = 171,360,000 including all booster programmes
Reactions – 506,216 (Pfizer-mono) + 9,319 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 875,826 (AZ) + 139,933 (Moderna-mono) + 13,131 (Moderna-bivalent) + 106 (Novavax) + 6,838 (Unknown) = 1,551,263
Fatal – 853 (Pfizer-mono) + 19 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 1348 (AZ) + 85 (Moderna-mono) + 32 (Moderna-bivalent) + 67 (Unknown) = 2,404 (increase of 42 reports with fatal outcome in 5 weeks)
370 of the above fatalities are of ‘Unknown Age’
Children & young people special report
Last available dose numbers dataset for under-18s in November 2022
· 4,213,500 children (1st doses) – majority Pfizer
· 2,910,500 (2nd doses) – majority Pfizer
· 485,900 boosters
Yellow Card adverse events reported now 0-9yrs : 10-19yrs segments
Below Combined 0-19yrs – many categories retracted (^) due to less than 5 reports ‘in line with MHRA duty of confidentiality to patients and reporters’
0-19yr old reports classified as serious by MHRA = 71.3 per cent
4,634 (Pfizer-mono) + >26 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 1,457 (AZ) + 518 (Moderna-mono) + >6 (Moderna-bivalent) + >32 (Unknown) = 6,673
0-19yr old reports classified as non-serious by MHRA = 28.6 per cent
1,989 (Pfizer-mono) + >5 (Pfizer-bivalent) + 400 (AZ) + 265 (Moderna-mono) + <5 (Moderna-bivalent) + 16 (Unknown) = 2,675
0-19yr old reports classified as fatal by MHRA = 0.1 per cent
>10 (Pfizer-mono) + zero (Pfizer-bivalent) + <5 (AZ) + <5 (Moderna-mono) + zero (Moderna-bivalent) + <5 (Unknown brand) = greater than 10
Full reports are here.
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