The Fascinating Liquid Crystalline Properties of Water

The following text is a chapter from a ebook I wrote in 2015 called 'Amazing Health Insights' for Soul Integrity Ltd, our sister company. As I have a real passion for water I thought I'd share this inspiring subject again. For me, water is truly fascinating and deep area so this is only a brief overview of the developing research.
Water and life go hand in hand. Whenever scientists look for life on other planets, one of the first things they look for is water. Water is often seen as just a ubiquitous benign substance that only acts as the substrate for biochemical reactions within the cells of our bodies. However when we consider adults are on average 70% water by mass and 99% water in terms of the number of molecules, we can see the role water plays may have been underestimated.
We all require adequate hydration for optimal energy production, mental focus and concentration, muscular and joint flexibility, metabolism, detoxification and excretion of waste products. These are all features of a healthy body. We discuss these elements and much more through the Health Wisdom Institute, however for this book I thought I’d share some of the other less known or fully understood properties of water that enable our amazing bodies to function at the levels they are capable of. Some of this knowledge and awareness is more easily gained through experience. However greater scientific understanding of our subtle energy body and cellular biology is also shedding light on what some esoteric wisdom traditions have been teaching for thousands of years.
We live in a vast spectrum of electromagnetic and other multidimensional frequencies radiating around the universe.
Water has been shown to be programmable with an ability to hold and conduct complex vibratory patterns. Water can store information received from our environment and from within our bodies. This water structuring may activate specific biochemical reactions within our cells via resonance and entrainment. Water is also said to have holographic and fractal properties.
One mechanism for why water has this property is because it can form a liquid crystalline structure within our body, especially next to hydrophilic membranes.
Liquid crystals are used in many areas of science and technology due to their ability to affect polarised light, for example, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) computer screens and other optical imaging devices. The highly ordered water found within the microtubules of our cells can allow light in the form of biophotons to flow at varying rates. A biophoton is a unit of biological light used for information transfer in biological organisms. One biophoton is said to be able to carry vast amounts of information. One theory in neuroscience indicates that our microtubules may be the vessel for our consciousness to flow through with their interconnected network and quantum coherent properties.
Intracellular Structured E Z water
The renowned cell physiologist and biochemist Gilbert Ling found that the water within our cells is so structured, that it is actually like a gel. He even removed the membrane from the cell and the water remained in its structured state, holding its original form.
Dr Gerald Pollack from the University of Washington continued Ling’s research into intracellular water and found it had some very interesting properties. The crystalline water he found has a negative charge. He also confirmed that the form of water was just like a gel. His team worked out it has a honey-comb structure and that this structure is created next to hydrophilic (water-loving) surfaces like membranes and proteins. The water molecules bonded to form hexagonal structures that build up in layers.
Dr Pollack named this water Exclusion Zone water or EZ for short. He found that the water molecules had separated into two distinct sections of opposite charge. The EZ zone was actually found to be the molecule H₃0₂ which holds its form against the positively charged 'bulk water' containing hydronium ions (H₃O⁺). The team discovered that the energy source to form this EZ water was light photons, specifically in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum . We feel infrared radiation as heat and is all around us. We get both infrared and UV from the sun.
Are we made up of tiny wet cell batteries?
The importance of this discovery is still being investigated with many experiments still underway. However, it has potentially opened up a whole new understanding of how our bodies can store and make energy. Whenever you have opposite charges separated, it creates a Potential Charge Difference which is the same as Voltage. This essentially means your body has the capacity to form wet cell batteries within every cell that are rechargeable with infrared energy.
Biological reactions in the body depend on either oxidation or reduction, meaning the subtraction or the addition of electrons. EZ water within our cells provides a store of negative charge with spare electrons that can donate to metabolic processes. The concentration of protons in the rest of the cell water could potentially be used for energy production like in our mitochondria or other metabolic processes. Mitochondria are little organelles that live inside our cells that are known as the energy generators because they metabolise sugars and fatty acids to produce ATP.
Maintaining adequate hydration levels so we have optimal water concentrations within our cells is essential for EZ water formation and the potential energy this can provide. Electrolytes like Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium and Chloride are key to support the hydration process. The best and most economical source is unrefined sea salt.
The formation of EZ water along the lining of our blood vessels also increases the flow of blood via capillary action within our capillaries. This increases the ease of our circulation, especially to our extremities. This may be another contributory factor why people with underactive thyroid glands often suffer from cold hands and feet. An underactive thyroid results in reduced metabolic rate and lowered body temperature, therefore less infra red light radiation to drive EZ formation.
Water structure and emotions
Throughout history there have been many philosophers that view water as the foundation of consciousness that acts as an interface between the physical and non physical worlds. One scientist that has studied this is Dr. Masaro Emoto from Japan. His work indicates that our thoughts, emotions and intentions may affect the structure of water. He repeatedly demonstrated this by imprinting a container of water with a variety of emotional intentions and words like love and fear. He then quickly froze these samples and photographed them under a high powered microscope. These images revealed that the water exposed to positive emotions like love and gratitude produce beautifully coherent and regular crystals, whereas the water exposed to negative emotions like fear and hate produced irregular and incoherent water molecule arrangements.
While his studies need to be replicated in other labs around the world to confirm this conclusion, we can still gain some insights from it. With this awareness we have an insight into the influence certain emotions may have on the water within our cells when we're being criticised, insulted or hurt in some way and even the implications of negative self talk. As well as the mental manifestation of stress like depression or anxiety, our cellular resonance may be affected, reducing the vitality of all the cells is our body.
Cellular communication and the super-conducting living matrix
Water also plays a vital role in our cellular communication. Research in cell biology and biophysics has shown that our bodies are made up of a liquid–crystalline semiconductor network known as the living matrix. The living matrix is made up of extracellular and connective tissue matrices, as well as the cytoskeletons of all cells. The living matrix connects all parts of our body together. It is also known as the fascia which runs along muscle fibres within our body.
Collagen is the most prominent protein found within the human body and is the main constituent of connective tissue. Collagen is the protein that gives our skin its elasticity. Collagen also has many other interesting properties. One of these properties is that it forms triple helical structures that seem to be similar to the DNA double helix in appearance. However, instead of having two protein strands they have three strands. Along each of these collagen strands, water molecules align themselves into a very orderly structure based on the charges of the amino acids that make up the proteins strands.
Collagen Triple Helical Protein Strands - Source:
This coherent alignment of water molecules allows for super conduction of information via the movement of protons known as proticity. This form of bioelectricity provides an additional means of communication for the synchronistic flow of hundreds of thousands of metabolic reactions, in every cell of our body, in every second.
Waters Role in Consciousness
Another fascinating area of research is looking at waters role as the foundation of consciousness itself. As mentioned above, structured water is held within the smallest part of the living matrix within our cells known as the microtubules. These microtubules have many quantum properties that allow biophotons to flip between a particle and wave form. They may also act as a structure to guide the wave forms. Researchers are hypothesising that this may provide a platform for the vast amounts of energetic processing involved in consciousness. This may be due to the structure of water creating portals to hyperspacial dimensions. Water may also act as a Fractal Antennae that is able to receive and transmit a vast spectrum of frequency patterns.
Without adequate hydration our connective tissue and therefore our living matrix dehydrates causing blockages and increased resistance to the flow of energy and light through our body.
To adequately hydrate our body, especially our cells requires more than just drinking water and that alone can be counterproductive if our mineral balance is not sufficient. There are many factors to consider, such as the right balance of electrolytes as well as the type of water consumed. Cellular hydration can be enhanced by taking steps like lowering the surface tension of the water to increase cellular absorption. This can be very beneficial.
Source the best quality water you can find. Ideally a local spring with a low total dissolved solids (TDS) count that is teeming with vitality. Distilled water with added electrolytes and then structured is also an option.
Making Molecular Hydrogen Rich Water is also a potent way to recharge the life in the water
Experience drinking fresh spring water right at the source when your stomach is empty and notice how you feel
Use an infra-red sauna to build more EZ water in your cells as well as enjoy all the benefits of detoxification through sweating and infra-red heat
Consciously connect with the water you drink and impart positive intentions and gratitude for it. Your heart emits a strong electromagnetic field that can transmit information outside of your body.
Take time out to relax. Stress of all kinds influences cell dehydration
Minimise EMF's like the microwave radiation found in WIFI that disrupt normal cell physiology and may exacerbate dehydration
Avoid drinking fluoridated and chlorinated water. Fluoride can disrupt the water within our cells, especially the function of the thyroid and other important glands within the body.
Chlorine may imbalance the probiotic bacteria within our guts as well as causing oxidative stress in the body.
Quinn collecting fresh spring water locally
Drinking fresh vibrant water feels enlivening
Being optimally hydrated is strongly related to being in our unique flow and our connection to the universe.
EZ water formation supports metabolic reactions within the body for greater cellular efficiency and energy production
A well hydrated body allows for the greatest flow of energy within our energy channels and allows for optimal cellular communication and metabolic functioning.
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